Saturday, February 28, 2009

Vampires and werewolves

By the end of the last book of Stephenie Meyer's vampire saga, I guess I will have to confess that I got kind of addicted to it. Even though I thought the first book was not that good at all and even a bit boring, it gets better, and the reader really start to gets curious about what is going to happen next.
My favourite book was definitely Eclipse, in which Bella (the human main character) had to choose between an astonishing beautiful, cultured, mature and wise vampire and an attractive, teenage, hot tempered and kind of crazy werewolf. Her indecision was interesting to follow. Bella was a wise young girl and she picked the vampire. I know I wouldn't have resisted the werewolf, and I do not want to know what that makes me...
Besides Bella's excessive wisdom, it is easy to see why the series has been such a succes. The books are engaging, filled with adventures and portrait in a symbolic but obvious and almost naif way the challenges of teenage sexuality.
Having said this, I must confess I did not actually read the books. I heard the audiobooks and would not take the time to read them, but they were still entertaining enough to make go over the whole series in a month.


  1. Tambem li os tres primeiros livros num abrir e fechar de olhos. Sao mesmo viciantes. O meu preferido também foi o Eclipse. Ainda tou a espera de ler o quarto em portugues, mal posso esperar que ele seja traduzido.

    Beijos da Bia em Lisboa :D

  2. Biaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

    Olá querida! Só hoje é que vi o teu comentário.
    Muitos beijos. Estou cheia de saudades!
